We work together to create a more unified nation for all.

Meet The Way to Freedom Team

Ryan Binkley President
If there ever was a time for our nation to come together it is now. Where do we begin? We demand integrity from our leaders. Transparency from our government. And a culture that welcomes God again.
Heath Flock Treasurer / TWTF Director
It's an honor to serve in an organization that seeks to make America what it was always intended to be: a shinning example of freedom, justice and mercy that the world would notice and follow.
Steve Schreiber TWTF Director
It's no longer acceptable to sit back and watch and do nothing. The Way to Freedom is a movement for people like me who care about their country and the core values upon which it was founded.
Ellie Binkley TWTF Director
As a daughter of parents who migrated to America, I know firsthand what this country offers. I stand for common sense solutions that serve those who are genuinely seeking a better life while respecting our laws.
Lou Jones TWTF Advisor
Widely recognized as a leader on youth, young adults and academic success, Lou has motivated audiences of all ages for decades with his humorous stories, captivating life experiences and relatable personality.
Nick Vujicic Youth Advisor
Nick Vujicic is an Australian-American born without arms or legs who has become a world-renowned respected speaker, a New York Times best-selling author, coach and entrepreneur.
Jaco Booyens Human Trafficking & Border Security Advisor
Jaco Booyens is a native of South Africa and an American citizen. After witnessing the horrors of trafficking through his younger sister, who is now a survivor, Jaco turned abolitionist in 2001.
David Ohrvall TWTF Secretary
We need to remind ourselves what it means to be American. No country is perfect. But let's remember, it has always been a core value that we strive to do better. To be better. And, to care for one another.

What was your way to freedom?

Tell your story. We’re all on our way.

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Tell your story. Share your support. We’re all on our way.